Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Simplify Your 2013 Resolutions

So we all are working on accomplishing our goals and new year's resolutions.  Some may still be contemplating what it is they want to resolve to do this year.  As you think about your resolutions this year, I have one simple suggestion: repentance.

The Church's definition of repentance is, "A change of mind and heart that brings a fresh attitude toward God, oneself, and life in general. Repentance implies that a person turns away from evil and turns his heart and will to God, submitting to God’s commandments and desires and forsaking sin. True repentance comes from a love for God and a sincere desire to obey his commandments. All accountable persons have sinned and must repent in order to progress toward salvation. Only through the atonement of Jesus Christ can our repentance become effective and accepted by God."

Do you fully grasp what repentance means?  At its core, it is a change of heart and mind.  If our hearts and minds are truly changed and they are centered on Christ, then all other resolutions will fall into place.

Our lust of carnal things will fade.
Our poor eating habits will begin to change.
Our desire for fame, money, status and all material possessions diminishes greatly.
Our lazy habits will be replaced with service to others.
Our tempers seize to flare.
Our constant comparing to others takes a back seat to comparing ourselves to Christ.
Our pride turns to humility.

I doubt you, I or anyone can accomplish full repentance in 2013.  In my opinion, fully turning to Christ is a life-long work.  It takes focus, commitment, patience and endurance.  But you can commit to begin the process this year ... or even to begin anew the process this year.

To start, pray every morning and ask God who you can help today, then find someone to serve that day.

Read the scriptures; especially study the life of Jesus Christ.

Get in the habit of those two things and you will make great progress in your quest for true repentance.