Thursday, April 04, 2019

Revelations and Revelation-Reversals

Today's announcement reversing the "November 2015" policy is the latest in a long-line of examples of God's spokesmen mis-speaking.  One of these three conclusions must be true:


  1. God is waffling in the management of doctrine or policies or
  2. His spokesmen are are often mistaken or confused in the revelatory process or 
  3. Those claiming to be His spokesmen really aren't His spokesmen.
In any case, it makes me wonder why we need a middle-man, especially when large swaths of members knew (and said so) the original "November 2015" policy was incorrect.  It's hard for many members to place confidence in men who are seemingly no different than other men who don't claim to be the only living prophets authorized on earth to speak for God.  And furthermore, how do individual members know the real, true will of God?  Was the "November 2015" policy the true will of God, or is the reversal of that policy in April 2019 the true will of God?

When President Nelson said the following, it left little room for members to doubt the gravity of the revelation.  The language was 1978-esque.

"This prophetic process was followed in 2012 with the change in minimum age for missionaries and again with the recent additions to the Church’s handbook, consequent to the legalization of same-sex marriage in some countries. Filled with compassion for all, and especially for the children, we wrestled at length to understand the Lord’s will in this matter. Ever mindful of God’s plan of salvation and of His hope for eternal life for each of His children, we considered countless permutations and combinations of possible scenarios that could arise. We met repeatedly in the temple in fasting and prayer and sought further direction and inspiration. And then, when the Lord inspired His prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, to declare the mind of the Lord and the will of the Lord, each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation. It was our privilege as Apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson. Revelation from the Lord to His servants is a sacred process, and so is your privilege of receiving personal revelation." emphasis added; Russell M. Nelson, Becoming True Millennials, January 10, 2016
Today's announcement, too, uses similar language in emphasizing discussion, thought and prayer.

“These policy changes come after an extended period of counseling with our brethren in the Quorum the Twelve Apostles after fervent, united prayer to understand the will of the Lord,” wrote President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors in the First Presidency, President Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring, in the statement. (source)

The Church's announcement today is not only a reversal of the "November 2015" policy, but it also revises its policy with regard to how it deals with homosexual and lesbian members - they will no longer be considered apostates.

While Church leaders still consider a same-gender marriage by a member to be a serious transgression, it will not be treated as apostasy for purposes of Church discipline. Instead the “immoral conduct in heterosexual and homosexual relationship will be treated in the same way,” Dallin H. Oaks said.
This is yet another example why the Church is not trustworthy - this compass is unreliable.  Please don't mis-understand me; I'm supportive of the changes the Church leadership made today.  It's not enough, but at least it's moving in the right direction.

There were those who knew the resting-state of will of the Lord before the living prophets, with regard polygamy, allowing all members access to the priesthood and temple and other controversial doctrines and practices.  Thankfully, some had courage to agitate the leaders to change.  Members of our generation have similarly had the courage to agitate for change when it comes to LGBTQ issues.  When thousands resigned in 2015 and 2016, after the "November 2015" policy was issued, a clear message was sent to the leadership, leading in the culmination of today's revelation.  We all have a part.  It's just a bit unfortunate that the pace is slow, and some leaders have to demonize those are who agitating for change - who are simply doing the will of the Lord.